Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Punctuation Pets - Final 10

(c) Peter Wharmby 2012-2013
Well, I've finished my paint drawings of punctuation marks as endearing little beasties.  Now to figure out if I can actually use them as part of my point-scoring punctuation work.  I'm hoping that anything that students can get behind (either whole-heartedly, like Year 7 undoubtedly will, or ironically - Year 11) will help them become more aware of punctuation.  It will hopefully help to prevent students from forgetting all about overlooked marks by giving them a little personality.

A copy for each classroom may be a good idea, but there'll be a trial first.  A poster, score sheet and habitat space on a classroom display will be the starting point, and then I will give each student a scoresheet when they are working on something where punctuation is particularly assessed.  I can then monitor improvements made and decide if this is any good!  The scoresheet is a simple affair - names and pictures of the 'Pets' (with Latin names for extra geek-mayhem) and a points value.  The trickier a mark is to use correctly, the higher the mark.  I am also hoping to get a guide written by KS3 students, including 'natural habitats', where usage rules can be spelled out clearly.  There is a lot of mileage here for creative writing and storyboards too - in fact, I feel this has the potential to expand considerably.

Like any classroom initiative, it will live or die by my own enthusiasm and consistency.  As such, I will have to get it embedded in my classroom routine, rather like bounce questioning is now.  Shouldn't be too tricky, especially if they prove a success.  I'll let you know.

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